Draco Malfoy (Драко Малфой) – Draco comes from the Greek word, drakus (which means 'dragon') and Malfoy may find its roots in the Latin word, malus – 'bad, evil, wicked'. I don't know what's worse really, running into an evil dragon, or Draco Malfoy…
Severus Snape (Северус Снегг) – Severus is the Latin for 'grave, austere, stern, strict, severe'. No wonder he never smiles.
Bellatrix Lestrange (Беллатриса Лестрейндж) – Bellatrix is the name of the third-brightest star in the Orion star constellation, and also means 'female warrior' in Latin, or 'warlike' and 'skilled in war'. Another witch not to mess with.
Remus Lupin – (Римус Люпин) It comes as no surprise that this teacher moonlights as a werewolf when you know that his name comes from the Latin word lupus, which means 'wolf' or closer, lupinus, 'wolfish'.
Luna Lovegood (Полумна (Луна) Лавгуд) – Luna means 'moon' not only in Latin, but in Italian, Romanian and Spanish as well. And the English word lunatic also comes from the word luna, because in the past, people believed that it was the moon that made people behave strangely or madly.
Quirinius Quirrell (Квиринус Квиррелл) – Quirinius is the Latin for 'spear', but it is also a byname given to the Roman god of war, Janus Quirinus, who is often depicted as having two faces…